Tuesday, June 22, 2010

How about Beekeeping for passive income?

Selling honey is a low profit margin business and only the largest commercial beekeepers reach profitability. That's the low-down you'll read on many web sites. But here's the good news... Keep looking around and keep thinking outside the box and you'll discover there's more to this hobby than just selling honey. Much more!

Beeswax candles sell for several dollars each, and even the raw beeswax itself sells for many dollars a pound. Propolis is a very expensive yet powerful natural anti-fungal and anti-bacterial product worth big bucks. Some large companies are paying more per ounce for Royal Jelly than the price of gold, using it in shampoos and beauty makeup products to great marketing advantage. Some commercial farmers will pay good money to rent a hive for pollinating purposes. And some entrepreneurs are making lucrative extra income from bee removal services.

You might create your own signature BBQ sauce that's based on your own organically grown honey. If you're into beer or wine making you could specialize in brewing honey beer, honey wine, or good old fashioned mead like they drank in the Golden Age of Ancient Greece.

You can even write a book about beekeeping!

The point is, whatever your passion or hobby is you can very likely create a significant passive income stream while having some fun doing what you like to do!

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